Generate ads for the fashion industry

Trusted by 5,000+ brands and agencies, generating 1,000,000+ AI ad creatives
Get better outcomes with Pencil's AI
Get ads up and running quickly, so you can respond to trends and seasons.
Add your brandbook to Pencil's platform and let AI do the rest.
Generate and edit images or video with Pencil's AI, highlighting fabrics, colours and styles.
Rapidly deploy campaigns for seasonal launches, new collections, and flash sales.
Automatically tailor and localise ads for different segments, regions, languages, and cultural nuances.
Generate multiple ad variations at scale, so your campaigns are always fresh for every season and every collection.
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Powering brands of all shapes and sizes
lift in ROAS on average
”Pencil has been a game changer for us. It’s helped us generate some of our best ever Facebook creative. The team kicks ass too.”